Tuesday, 19 August 2014

can you be a goat herder with no goats?

i am goatless

i do not like it one bit

in my heart and my head whilst i sleep, i am still with them all
behind the stone house in the green, green fields......

my making continues
piece after piece

i have no idea what to do with them next?
etsy feels so cold and unfriendly

i would rather like these makes to be seen by real people ....

real people that can gaze upon each creation and wonder why it was made
they may even hold the goat in the palm of their hand

i would like that.

{{ all images today are of my newly finished piece the goat herder...... she is dressed using reclaimed and vintage cloth, a touch of hand knitting, a bucket made from an old whitney wool blanket with hand stitching and just for extra luck she is wearing her lucky clover pin }}


  1. she is totally gorgeous lovely, and you will always be my crazy goat lady friend, with or without a goat by your side x

  2. I'm so glad your creativity stays. There's so much love in this, I love it. Yes they will be seen by real people I'm sure of it x
